The Texas Progressive Alliance is still working on springing its clocks forward as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff noted that in the days just before the Save Texas Schools rally, State Rep. Scott Hochberg filed a bill that made clear what the effects of cutting the public school budget would mean for local school districts.
Despite a strengthening progressive uprising, the Texas Democratic Party remains so feeble that it appears unable to capitalize on an open US Senate seat in 2012. That's why the nascent movement to draft Tommy Lee Jones to run keeps gaining steam, notes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
As thousands of Texans turned out on Saturday to "Save Texas Schools", WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us whose fault it is that Texas schools need saving -- and that their ruin has been the GOP's plan all along: Yes Governor Perry, it is your fault.
Letters From Texas poked fun at Bill O'Reilly for his claim that President Obama was the first African-American candidate for president, which is absolutely true if you ignore five or six other African-American candidates for president.
Libby Shaw at TexasKaos explains how Governor "It's not my fault" is going to cut care for Granny. Read all about it and then plan to attend the Day of Outrage event near you! See here for more.
Stace at DosCentavos also tells us about the big rally at the Texas Capitol. It's got pictures and everything!
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Dan Patrick is a woman-hating asshat without a sense of irony.
Neil at Texas Liberal noted the March 12, 2011 passing of his father. Tony Aquino was a combat veteran of the Korean War, an award-winning journalist, and a committed liberal. Tony would have wanted you to each day fight for a more fair and just society.
This week at McBlogger, Captain Kroc went to the Rally to Save Texas Schools and came away a little underwhelmed.
Off the Kuff noted that in the days just before the Save Texas Schools rally, State Rep. Scott Hochberg filed a bill that made clear what the effects of cutting the public school budget would mean for local school districts.
Despite a strengthening progressive uprising, the Texas Democratic Party remains so feeble that it appears unable to capitalize on an open US Senate seat in 2012. That's why the nascent movement to draft Tommy Lee Jones to run keeps gaining steam, notes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
As thousands of Texans turned out on Saturday to "Save Texas Schools", WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us whose fault it is that Texas schools need saving -- and that their ruin has been the GOP's plan all along: Yes Governor Perry, it is your fault.
Letters From Texas poked fun at Bill O'Reilly for his claim that President Obama was the first African-American candidate for president, which is absolutely true if you ignore five or six other African-American candidates for president.
Libby Shaw at TexasKaos explains how Governor "It's not my fault" is going to cut care for Granny. Read all about it and then plan to attend the Day of Outrage event near you! See here for more.
Stace at DosCentavos also tells us about the big rally at the Texas Capitol. It's got pictures and everything!
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Dan Patrick is a woman-hating asshat without a sense of irony.
Neil at Texas Liberal noted the March 12, 2011 passing of his father. Tony Aquino was a combat veteran of the Korean War, an award-winning journalist, and a committed liberal. Tony would have wanted you to each day fight for a more fair and just society.
This week at McBlogger, Captain Kroc went to the Rally to Save Texas Schools and came away a little underwhelmed.
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