What did you expect?
Here's the video. Pretty provocative on the part of an old white dude all by himself.
One person was arrested Tuesday after a scuffle broke out during a rally on the steps of City Hall to protest cuts in the state budget.
A Houston police spokesman confirmed that one person was arrested for misdemeanor assault but didn't have any specific details. The spokesman said it was the only incident of note at the Texans Day of Outrage protest rally.
A Houston man said a scuffle broke out after an unidentified man carrying an umbrella and a video camera moved toward the podium during one of the speeches.
"He kept advancing step by step, until he was right in his face," said Dan Joyce. Joyce said he supports the 400-500 people who attended the rally.
The man took a swing when Harris County AFL-CIO president E. Dale Wortham came toward him, Joyce said.
"He landed a punch," Joyce said. "Mr. Wortham did not retaliate."
Joyce said Wortham did not appear to be injured.
Others at the rally pulled the man away. Houston police officers took the man away in handcuffs, Joyce said.
Here's the video. Pretty provocative on the part of an old white dude all by himself.
Update: Stace at Dos has more pictures of the perp, including being handcuffed and led away by HPD. And the Chron has more video -- it inaccurately describes the rally and the counter-protest as between "Democrats" and "Republicans" -- that includes fellow blogger Egberto Willies...
Update II: Big Jolly demonstrates his math handicap again, though he does manage to conclude that Mr. Agitated TeaBagger was wrong in attacking the podium.
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