Friday, December 17, 2010

"Call Out Aaron Pena" Day is finally here!

It's the social media event of the season!

Because Pena has been a big Twitterer and blogger himself, his flip-flop to red earlier this week has unwittingly left him wide open for ridicule.

And so we must exploit his soft, expansive, weak underbelly.

Here are your action items:

1. Defriend him on Facebook (if you are his friend, of course), and unfollow him on Twitter (if you do).
2. Call his office -- (512) 463-0426 or send a fax to (512) 463-0043 -- and tell him to resign and run for his seat as a Republican.
3. Contact his campaign contributors and ask them to request a refund of the money they donated to him. (Pena and fellow turncoat Allan Ritter have both indicated they would return them if they were asked to do so.) But John Coby lists a compelling reason why they won't: they're mostly Republicans themselves.
4. Tweet something using the hashtag #CallOutAaron
5. Write something on your social medium of choice.

Needless to say, just about everybody in Texas is aware of this public flogging/humilation. Even Keith Olbermann piled on (indirectly, in this excerpt that puts the shame of the Lone Star State on full display):

Don't be left out of the holiday festivities! Join the fun!

Update: See Mean Rachel and Burnt Orange for more.

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