Friday, April 09, 2010

Newt Gingrich 2012

No question about it.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a potential presidential candidate in 2012, called Barack Obama on Thursday "the most radical president in American history" who oversees a "secular, socialist machine."

Gingrich reminded conservative activists why he was one of the nation's most polarizing leaders in the 1990s, opening the Southern Republican Leadership Conference with a biting assessment of Obama's policies.

"The most radical president in American history has now thrown down the gauntlet to the American people: 'I run a machine. I own Washington and there's nothing you can do about it,'" Gingrich said. He urged his fellow Republicans to stop what he called Obama's "secular, socialist machine." ...

Gingrich has not declared his intentions for 2012, but his appearances in New Orleans had all the trappings of a fledging presidential campaign, from an intimate meeting with tea party activists — his staff photographer took grip-and-grin pictures of Gingrich posing with every activist — to his wade-through-the-crowd entrance at the GOP conference, with the thumping beat of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" drawing the crowd to its feet.

He said Obama's policies — particularly health care and economic stimulus legislation — have put the United States on the road to socialism. The former speaker did not specifically explain why he thought Obama is a secularist, though he did say the GOP wasn't afraid of recognizing faith's role in American society.

The code word "secular" is designed to motivate evangelicals whom Newt hopes will be forgetful about his personal moral corruption. If the Lamestream Corporate Media can't bring itself to challenge his lies, then maybe he has a good chance to be the nominee.

Will he say yes to a presidential campaign?

"That will be up to God," he said, "and the American people."

Yes. Well Newt, I can't speak for God but on behalf of the American people would you kindly fall down a well or collapse of a heart attack or find some other less painful way to just go TF away?

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