The day before, anyway. The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you to -- wherever in Texas (or elsewhere) you happen to be -- get out and vote tomorrow. Here are this week's highlights.
Aruba Petroleum is drilling a Barnett Shale gas well in the backyard of Tim and Christine. Their property was taken, its value diminished, they were threatened and now Aruba Petroleum spilled toxic drilling waste a few feet from where their daughter plays. Another tale (with video) about the victims of the Shale on Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS.
Justin at Asian-American Action Fund Blog has a roundup of the Houston city elections and proposed Texas constitutional amendments.
The Texas Cloverleaf looks at the high cost of low turnout elections by examining Denton County. $25 a vote, anyone?
This week at McBlogger, we took a look at Hank Gilbert's plan to Get Texas Moving Again.
Big news from San Antonio, where with just days before City Council was to vote to move forward with the South Texas Nuclear Project expansion, officials suddenly announced that the cost estimate for the project had ballooned by up to $4 billion! Find out more from Citizen Sarah over at Texas Vox.
WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the Texas' GOP leadership that thinks our state's economy is just fine: Dunnam hammers Perry, Dewhurst -- GOP needs to face rality on economy in Texas. They'll be singing a different tune when they're out of work in 2011.
TEXPAC, the Texas Medical Association's political action committee, hosted a forum where all six declared US Senate candidates -- John Sharp, Bill White, Elizabeth Ames Jones, Florence Shapiro, Michael Williams, and Roger Williams -- made an appearance. See the videos posted by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
John Coby at Bay Area Houston wonders: What does it take for a Republican to resign?
Off the Kuff takes a look at how Houston's mayoral candidates are spending their money.
At WhosPlayin, Trace makes his case for why we need to talk to Iran.
Mean Rachel wonders why Texas Democratic statewide candidates have electile dysfunction.
At TexasKaos, liberaltexan brings us up to date on Republican efforts to "fight liberalism" on the A&M campus, and it ain't pretty. Check it out : Young, Conservative, and Intolerant.
At WhosPlayin, Trace makes his case for why we need to talk to Iran.
Mean Rachel wonders why Texas Democratic statewide candidates have Electile Dysfunction.
At TexasKaos, liberaltexan brings us up to date on Republican efforts to "fight liberalism" on the A&M campus, and it ain't pretty. Check it out : Young, Conservative, and Intolerant.
This week Teddy at Left of College Station writes about the young, conservative, and intolerant Texas A&M Chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas and about the lies and misinformation that the Coalition for Life gives to women in front of Planned Parenthood. Check out the videos posted from President Obama's visit to Texas A&M including an interview with a Texas A&M student, a rant from a member of the Texas Minuteman, and highlights from the anti-Obama protest.
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