It's Monday and it's time for another Texas Progressive Alliance blog roundup.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is sick of cronies running our cities our state and our country!
WCNews at Eye On Williamson on more GOP shenanigans: Republicans, hypocrisy, the stimulus, and more Carter "nuttiness".
Off the Kuff notes that as Texas' unemployment rate continues to rise, we are now in the position of having to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government to fulfill our unemployment insurance obligations. Heckuva job, Governor Perry!
John Coby at Bay Area Houston has posted a A How to Guide for Illegal Immigrants to Vote in Texas Elections.
Xanthippas takes on more disability-as-diversity nonsense. Also, on a side note, his blog Three Wise Men's 5th anniversary is this Tuesday. We'll be putting up a special post in commemoration.
The Texas Cloverleaf looks at how the NTTA will be raising rates because volume is down. So much for supply and demand theory.
This week, an old author returns to McBlogger with a true story about dogs. Completely unrelated to politics and nothing but funny.
Neil at Texas Liberal posted a video of him reciting the words of the 1848 Shaker hymn "Simple Gifts" as a ship passes behind him on Galveston island. Coming up this week at Texas Liberal will be a video shot at the San Jacinto battlefield.
Upon the arrival of Fashion Week in Austin, Mean Rachel wants to know "Does this city make my butt look hot?"
Citizen Sarah at Texas Vox expresses disappointment, to say the least, that the Public Utility Commission denied Sylvester Turner's petition to protect our most vulnerable from dangerous summer heat.
Teddy at the fourth estate will be able to survive the economic recession and into the new digital age. Left of College Station also reviews the week in headlines.
The Texas Tribune, a new media project headed up by soon-to-be-former Texas Monthly editor Evan Smith, is an idea that shows lots of promise. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has more details about it.
Just as during the campaign, malicious emails are being sent, especially to the elderly. One paticularly nasty one is entitled: SENIOR DEATH WARRANTS. Over at TexasKaos, lightseeker takes on piece of electronic hit mail and offers some ideas on fighting back in his diary, Healthcare Scare Mail and what You Can Do To Help.
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