Monday, June 23, 2008

The Weekly Wrangle

Here's this week's edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance's Weekly blog round-up, compiled from posts submitted by member blogs.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson takes apart the new GOP business tax in Tearing At The Margins Tax.

Off the Kuff published the rest of his convention week interviews, with Joe Moody (HD78), Ernie Casbeer (HD59), and Rep. Juan Garcia (HD32).

McBlogger asks why are the Republicans so ideologically driven on energy policy? Then he remembers that knowledge isn't so useful in the faith-based economy.

Something stinks about the Webb County sheriff's election. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme can't wait to find out who did what.

BossKitty at BlueBloggin points out that we have more than just McCain and Obama running for president. And Then There's Bob Barr; one-time conservative Republican, current Libertarian Party presidential nominee, offered a scathing critique of Sen. John McCain today and predicted he would garner substantial conservative Republican support in a handful of battleground states critical to McCain in his campaign against Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.

Obama needs Texas to win the presidency, but only -- as with recent previous Democratic nominees -- for its money and not its electoral votes, claims PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

WhosPlayin piles on after Joe Barton, Michael Burgess, Pete Sessions, and Kay Granger hold a press conference to blame Democrats for high fuel prices. It was so bad that even Fox 4 News called B.S. on it.

at Texas Kaos continues to keep an eye on Blackwater's shenanigans. The latest is that Erik Prince loves him some Sharia law--if it will quash a lawsuit for him. Wonder how long it will be before the company dress code includes a burqa?

refinish69 reviews the GOP's Big Bad John at Doing MY Part For The Left. While the video is wonderful for a laugh and has wonderful production values, it is as full of crap as John Cornyn's career as a US Senator.

Vince at Capitol Annex takes down the new platform of the Republican Party of Texas.

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