Sunday, August 07, 2005

Texas blogs and bloggers

A summary of what's happening elsewhere online in Deep-In-The-Hearta:

-- the ownership change at Burnt Orange Report has not just made this long-time political blog better, but completely reinvigorated it. They have the most extensive interview I've seen online with Barbara Radnofsky.

-- at Corked Bats, Pragmaddict has some excerpts from Chris Bell's speech from the YDA convention in San Francisco, which include the following:

"Let's raise teacher pay, get out of the way, and let them teach."

"Tests don't make you smarter, just like rulers don't make you taller."

"Jesus didn't need a poll-tested focus group to kick the money-changers out of the temple, and David didn't need third-party surrogates to take down Goliath."

"How can we call ourselves progressive if we fail to offer progress?"

-- and there are two new team members at HouDem; Bucky Rea, who has a pretty good blog himself, and Hale Stewart, who has been writing at Kos on economic and public policy matters for awhile.

And all of these people take it offline too, which is to say that they attend candidate functions and DFA Meetups and organize precincts and a lot more. So we're not just banging on keyboards but banging on doors.

Together with the events conceived and sponsored by the two most prominent bloggers in my neck of the woods, I feel pretty encouraged during this hot, slow time in the political season about the prospects for an infusion of purple into the Lone Star.

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