Sunday, June 12, 2005

"Real Texas heroes"

Mrs. Diddie and I arrived about two hours into the event, so we missed meeting some of our fellow blogonians, but we did manage to make the tail end of the program honoring Texas Democratic legislators (plus, the food was good).

Among the pols in attendance were candidates Chris Bell, Nick Lampson and Barbara Radnofsky, US Congresspersons Sheila Jackson-Lee and Al Green, and Texas House members Hubert Vo, Al Edwards, Garnet Coleman, and Melissa Noriega (serving in the stead of her husband Rick, who is completing his tour of duty in Afghanistan).

One of the really marvelous things about being an activist in a city like Houston is the opportunity to meet personally so many of the most important people serving us; people who are not just in the headlines but on the front lines, doing the real fighting.

And next weekend we'll be in Austin for DemocracyFest, and that lineup includes Howard Dean, Congs. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Lloyd Doggett, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins, a blogger's caucus and breakfast with Kos and Jerome of MyDD, a seminar focusing on "The DeLay Factor" with Chris Bell, Richard Morrison, and Lou Dubose, and Nathan Wilcox of and Glen Maxey of Democracy for Texas and many more.

Yes, we'll keep ourselves entertained as well.

I hope all this hobnobbing with the powerful and famous doesn't go to my head ...


  1. Likewise, Seth. Actually we HAVE met before, at one of Barbara's Meet-and-Greets at Maria Selma.

    I was sitting next to Kris Graham.

    Which could of course be why you don't remember; that Kris, she can just suck all of the oxygen right out of a room when she spontaneously combusts...=)

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Very funny, PDiddie! :-) Well, you know me, when I feel strongly about something, I'm usually NOT shy about expressing my opinions. You know the old saying.....If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

    Put on your flame retardant suit.

    Btw: I can't make it to DemFest this weekend, so please let me know how it goes and give me the skinny on EVERYTHING.

  3. You got it, sweetie. Stay tuned here.


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