Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Democracy Fest on C-SPAN this Saturday

Via Karl-T at BOR, Democracy Fest will have a segment aired on C-SPAN this Saturday at about 3:50 CST. One of the breakout sessions I wouldn't miss for the world, "The DeLay Factor", moderated by Lou Dubose and featuring Richard Morrison and Chris Bell, will be the feature.

TiVos ready, set ...


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    On the C-SPAN thing, that is actually tape-delayed (har). They're "feeding" it to C-SPAN Sunday morning. If it's technically OK, we hope to see it appear on the schedule for later Sunday or anytime Monday. Click my URL/homepage for the C-SPAN schedule site. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    oops, click now

  3. Even better, Gina! That means I'll be able to see it...

    Thanks for all your assistance this weekend.


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