Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I have a whole bunch to blog about

and a short time to do it. (Hey, just look at the time stamp...)

There were thousands of people at the Art Car Parade and Festival on Saturday. And while the autos were fun, it's always the sideline observation I enjoy best. Some of my fellow parade-watchers didn't look as if they venture outside often during daylight hours, and then mostly just to add another tattoo or watch the band rehearse. Oh yeah, Kinky Freidman's car broke down halfway through, and before he was rescued from walking by a golf cart he blamed the malfunction on a Republican conspiracy.

There were hundreds of people at the "Save America Without DeLay" Family Fun Festival, and while Barbara Radnofsky and Chris Bell and Richard Morrison all had something to say, the most interesting thing was Gordon Quan busting a Tom DeLay pinata (figuratively speaking only; the kids hogged all the real ones). My good friend Lyn specifically asked him to run in the 7th, and he demurred. This leads me to speculate that what Quan really wants is to take on La Cucaracha Grande -- which by extension means Nick Lampson in the Democratic primary. (Aside to Mr. Lampson: why weren't you present at this event?)

And now for something completely different ...

D Magazine asks: who is Joseph T. Farkasdi?

Who is this man? Is he your local Toyota car salesman who wonders, "What do I have to do to earn your business today"? Or is he a conservative blogger, offering "real deep social responsive thought on the most divisive issues of today"? Or is he your ticket to financial freedom, helping you "eliminate all your debts and create new forms of income in less time than you might imagine"? Or is he Joseph with the Sensual Touch, a model, escort, masseur, nude, or semi-nude who offers "special rates for couples, seniors, and groups"?

The answer? He's all those things and more, including motivational speaker and adult filmmaker. Joseph is a real renaissance man. WARNING: search around his sites at your own peril, Joseph likes to be naked--and his enjoyment is a bit too obvious, if you know what I mean.

My observations:

-- anyone with the word "Fark" in their name simply begs ridicule right from the jump; and ...

-- from his candid glamour shots, it appears that Joseph (like his idol Jeff Gannon) is eager to supply his oh, maybe seven column inches -- edited -- of 'top' reporting to anyone who'll take him up on it.

My questions:

-- what Metroplex megachurch does he attend? I'll have a few followups to this question, probably ...

-- how much has he donated to GOP candidates? Yes, yes; data readily available online but I don't have time to look it up, would you mind?

I also saw "The End of Suburbia" over the weekend. 'Troubling' is the best I can do for now. It's a slant on the Peak Oil discussion and how it's affecting us already (with Middle Eastern wars being a byproduct and not the focus). This Houstonian, a member of Cheney's energy task force (you know, the one which we'll never learn what was discussed) was quoted prominently in the documentary. As well as author James Kunstler, who turned up on Salon on Saturday, so that's your primer.

Last night I got in a couple of hours of precinct captain training and then went to the movies again. Again, very upsetting. I'll try to have something serious and coherent to say about them later, but I'm not promising anything.

And just so I don't have to finish this post depressed, here's a letter that Jesus' General wrote to Tom DeLay suggesting a bake sale as fundraiser. Don't forget to click on the 'reports' at the end.

Update: One of our town's conservative bloggers got a little snarky when he couldn't find any posts about the "Without DeLay" Festival, and when I pointed mine out to him, he got even more tetchy. Pretty funny.

Here's another post, Chris. It's got pretty pictures ...

And here's some more photos, and here's some of Kym's pics from the Art Car Parade.

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