Monday, April 25, 2005

Morrison withdraws

From his e-mail received this evening:

It is with great sadness that I must withdraw my name from the race for District 22. As you all know I devoted 2 years of my life to win and placed my law practice on hold. With the prospects of having to spend another 2 years winning a primary and then challenging DeLay, my family’s financial situation is not the rosiest. My wife is expecting our 5th child in August and I feel that I must devote my time to getting my financial house in order. I think the biggest issue this county faces is our national debt and for me and mine to be facing debt that could quickly become unmanageable is irresponsible and unwise.

My mother and children's grandmother has also been diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. She has vowed to me that she will fight it every step of the way and I have committed to help her with that fight. I ask for your prayers for her and my father.

I am not giving up my fight. I will continue to stay active and work hard for Democrats. I ask that you do the same. Tom DeLay is bad for democracy and bad for America. If I can be so bold, I demand that each one of you will commit to work as hard for Congressman Lampson or Councilman Quan as you did for me. Democracy will suffer if you slack off even one bit.

That last part, naming the two presumptive challengers, is most revealing.

In the past couple of days I was made aware of two different blogs established specifically to counter Morrison's candidacy. Despite his strong words of just three weeks ago ("I'm willing to spill Democratic blood" was the quote), it seems to me that he has chosen a more noble course by not running now.

My best wishes for Richard and his family.

Update: The Houston Chronicle has a summary, and Burnt Orange Report has more opinion and speculation that the field is being cleared for Lampson. Here's a link to Richard's Daily Kos diary.

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