Sunday, January 05, 2025

Sunday 'CEOs with the Big Brains' Funnies

Lots of variations on the exploding-CyberTruck-at-Trump Vegas theme. This one, with the used car lot echoing the recent safety report (and covering several other trending topics), won.

News item:

You should also read Nick AndersonClay Jones, and Mike Peterson, for their toons and words.

Joe Biden will -- perhaps -- seek absolution from Pope Francis on his way out the White House door. I would only hope that it resembles the scene from Godfather Coda; not so much Michael Corleone's hypoglycemic episode as the mild condemnation from JP1.

In what lucid moments he has remaining, he'd do well to emulate another devout Christian whose presidency was considered a failure. His regret about not making more money bodes poorly for him.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Twenty Twenty-Five Toons

("Meddy New Yeah" Funnies from last Sunday here.)

Off to a bad start.

Still hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

MAGA might have a hangover as we approach the inauguration.

A New Year's resolution I will effort to keep is not to argue with any bots.

I did get my shit together a couple of times last year, but then I couldn't lift it.